Anna Elisabeth Rechberger und Johann Braun BR International Consulting Services Anna Elisabeth Rechberger BR International Consulting Services

Anna Elisabeth Rechberger

Joined BR ICS in:
June 2015
Job Title:
Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
Zodiacal Sign:
Job Description:
  • Head of Back-Office of BR ICS
  • Head of Finance
  • Head of Accounting
  • Head of Human Ressources
  • Controlling
About Me:
Since completing the administrative service examination, I've been responsible for several senior finance positions within different municipalities. During this time, I was able to take multiple subject-specific trainings, which enabled me to fulfill my long-standing wish for my own enterprise in 2009.
As in 2015 the opportunity opened up to co-found a company with a pan-European sphere of influence, I have put aside all my previous activities in order to devote myself fully to my new tasks and challenges in our common new company.
Anna Elisabeth Rechberger
Who fights can lose, who does not fight has already lost.
(Bertold Brecht)

Anna Elisabeth Rechberger